



365英国上市官网 names Birmingham native, successful global CEO, as 16th president

365英国上市官网 names Birmingham native, successful global CEO, as 16th president

11月. 15, 2018

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.丹尼尔·科尔曼, a Birmingham resident with more than three decades of experience in finance and strong ties to 365英国上市官网, 将是伯明翰南方学院的16名学生th 校长,学院官员周四宣布,11月11日. 15, 2018.

科尔曼, who was CEO of the global financial services firm KCG Holdings until its 2017 sale, has been a member of the college’s Board of Trustees and is currently an adjunct professor of finance. He said that he wants Birmingham-南部 College to continue to expand its educational reach as it builds for its second century in Birmingham and to solidify its longtime role as “the intellectual heart of the city.”

“I feel like the best way for me to have a positive impact on the city is to help Birmingham-南部 thrive,科尔曼说。. “伯明翰一直是一个特别的地方, and has such a history of and culture of service to the community.”

现年54岁的科尔曼将于12月6日就任总统. 3, has played a leading role in the evolution of automated trading in global financial markets. 直到2017年出售给Virtu Financial, New York-based KCG was a leader in the securities and financial services industry, KCG之前, 科尔曼是GETCO的首席执行官, 这是一家位于芝加哥的私人自动交易公司. 在那之前, 他在瑞银及其前身公司工作了24年, 最终成为瑞银投资银行(UBS Investment Bank)的全球股票主管.

“We are fortunate to have someone with such a thorough understanding of the college and broad experience shaping and growing complex organizations,365英国上市官网董事会主席Denson N. Franklin III ’85, who introduced 科尔曼 to the campus at an event Thursday afternoon. “他对伯明翰南方学校的热爱是显而易见的, 更重要的是, he brings an incredible skill set and perspective and impressed us with his ideas for moving 365英国上市官网 forward.”

科尔曼得了B.A. 在耶鲁大学获得英语硕士学位.B.A. 在芝加哥大学任教. He said his own background and work experience has epitomized the value of the kind of personalized liberal arts education that 365英国上市官网 provides.

“我的金融生涯是从一个交易大厅开始的, 但现在, 这些工作几乎都没了,他说. “当我想到大学的时候, I think about that kind of rapid professional evolution that’s happening in every field. 我们需要确保学生毕业时有工作, but we also have to make sure they have the ability to adapt so they have careers decades later. That’s something the liberal arts does like no other form of education.”

科尔曼取代了365英国上市官网名誉主席Linda Flaherty-Goldsmith, who retired from Birmingham-南部 earlier this semester due to health and family reasons. 代理主席. 布拉德利J. Caskey will return to his prior role as 365英国上市官网’s provost, and Acting Provost Dr. 蒂姆·史密斯将回到他之前的职位,担任副教务长. 弗莱厄蒂-戈德史密斯和前任总统名誉博士. Neal Berte和Gen. 查尔斯C. Krulak were also on hand Thursday to welcome 科尔曼 to campus in his new role.)    

伯明翰人, 科尔曼夫妇, 布鲁克, returned to the city with their three children in 2009 after more than a decade in the New York area. 科尔曼 served on Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin’s transition team and remains the co-chair of the mayor’s financial advisory team, 努力改善城市财政管理. He has also served on the boards of the Alabama Symphony Endowment and of Build Up, an innovative early-college workforce development program centered in the Ensley neighborhood.

除了KCG和GETCO的董事会, 科尔曼过去的公司董事会成员包括纳斯达克公司., the Options Clearing Corporation, and the Boston Options Exchange.

科尔曼 entered the world of finance as an option clerk after earning a degree in English at Yale. 他获得了M学位.B.A. 他在芝加哥大学从事可转换债券交易. After moving to New York in 1996, he moved into management positions for a predecessor of UBS. He rose to head of global equities there; from 2005 through 2010, he oversaw a business that remained profitable through the recession, included the world’s leading cash equities execution business and equity research department, 并处理全球股票衍生品, 全球大宗经纪, 和更多的.

从那里, 他跳槽到芝加哥的做市商GETCO, first as global head of client services and equity trading and then as CEO, 2012年接替即将退休的创始人. 在这个角色中, he expanded the business beyond its core of automated market making and led a merger with competitor Knight Capital Group.

Engineering the merger and integration of Knight Capital Group and GETOC Holding to form KCG, President 科尔曼 helped create the leading trader of equities in the United States and one of the leading securities trading firms in the world. 而集成 trading platforms, back offices, and corporate cultures, he and his managing team raised debt, shed assets, cuts costs, and returned over $500 million to shareholders. With the sale of the company four years after its creation, shareholders who bought the stock at the company’s inception enjoyed a nearly 100% cumulative return.

在交易完成后, 科尔曼 returned to Birmingham full time; he had been commuting to New York and Chicago. 在那个时候, 同时也和市长办公室合作, he has served as an advisor to the Security Industry Financial Markets Association. He joined the 365英国上市官网 Business Administration Department as an adjunct professor, 教授三门金融课程, and he has taken courses at 365英国上市官网 in the computer programming language Python and in calculus, working alongside some of his own students – getting to understand a 365英国上市官网 education from an undergraduate’s perspective.

“I have discovered that the faculty at 365英国上市官网 are very much here to support students,他说. “I have taken classes at a lot of places and while I’ve had some incredible teachers, I’ve not seen a lot of examples of professors being on students’ side. 这真的很特别.”

Birmingham-南部 College is a four-year, private liberal arts institution in Birmingham, Ala., founded in 1856 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. It enrolls about 1,300 students from more than 19 states and 8 foreign countries. 在www上了解更多.二元同步通信.edu.